Re-Evaluating my diet through fasting~sugar first half~

3 min readOct 9, 2020

I have been writing about my diet through fasting.

This is the first article below.↓

It’s about a month since I’ve finished fasting.

Cutting off solid food completely for three days was tough for me.

It’s a little bit stressful which is why I haven’t done again since.

Even though it was very tough I learnt a lot about my eating habits and it was a very valuable.

First, how my weight changed.

I am sure everyone wants to know how my weight changed.

I lost 2kg during the fasting and then I lost 2 more after so I lost a total of 4 kg over the 15 days without even noticing.

There are three things which I’ve changed after the fasting.

  1. Mainly eating brown rice now instead of white rice (Of course I sometimes eat white rice, bread, noodles)
  2. I stop eating when my stomach is about 60~70% full
  3. Reducing the amount of sugar OBVIOUSLY

The fact I lost weight makes sense because the amount of energy I consume was reduced.

It wasn’t my aim to lose weight so I didn’t jump with joy.

It was a big surprise though when I realized how much I lost.

Photo by Yulia Khlebnikova on Unsplash

I realized a number of things through fasting and discovered how sugar affected my body and mental state.


I have a very sweet tooth and wouldn’t be surprised if my body consisted of 85% sugar!

Well maybe that’s a slight exaggeration, but I consumed a lot of sugar.

Around 45% of the food I eat was sweet. In addition I always think about food!

It is said the refined carbohydrate has a similar function to sugar.

I have realized that I have a very close relationship with sugar.

Most of the food I sneaked has a high sugar content, I often order cakes when I go to a cafe, my former job was a baker which meant I ate tons of cakes.

I had to taste them! Plus these were cakes that we didn’t sell that simply couldn’t go to waste.

Also it’s funny because my mum and aunty used to tell me ‘You loved bread rolls filled with sweet red bean paste ‘An-pan’ so much when you were a little girl.’

Up until I fasted I had no chance to stay away from sugary food for such a long time(over two weeks!!)

But the fasting separated us literally(me and sugar!).

To be honest, it was very tough for me.

I couldn’t ask sugar to help me, it couldn’t heal me with its sweetness and I had no treats to comfort me!

Photo by Dilyara Garifullina on Unsplash

So do you wonder why I made the decision to cut off sugar? Even though I knew how tough it would be!

Here are the reasons why I did it.

  1. To stop steep rising ‘Blood sugar level’
  2. To avoid ‘Adrenal fatigue’ caused by point number 1.

It’s difficult to know exactly how my blood sugar levels changed as I didn’t have any blood tests before or after fasting.

However, I am sure that the incidents of tiredness and feeling irritated were reduced as were the incidents of feeling lethargic.

Also the surprisingly my period became milder than before.

Continue into the second half…

